OSAAS is a lightweight, cloud-native platform that managing local and remote instances by leveraging external servers, offering unparalleled versatility and efficiency. Built on robust technologies including Docker, Terraform, and Kubernetes, it ensures seamless deployment, scaling, and orchestration of instances. From optimizing resource allocation to enhancing performance.

OSAAS is an Odoo framework implementing project-based multi-tenancy, autentication, authorization and object-level permissions on top of popular open source data science tools. OSAAS also lets you deploy models and apps in public or private catalouges for sharing model endpoints and custom dashboards.

OSAAS Features

Our framework offers a robust set of features designed to empower organizations in harnessing the full potential of server and application deployment. With seamless integration and user-friendly interfaces, our platform enables secure deployment of machine learning and federated learning applications

Lightweight, Cloud-native Platform

Deploy models and apps in public or private catalouges for sharing model endpoints and custom dashboards.

Time Savings
Reduce the time spent configuring and managing Odoo instances by automating repetitive tasks.
Complete Control
Centrally manage and monitor your Odoo instances, maintaining a comprehensive record of activities.
Scale vertically by adding new instances as needed, without complications or disruptions to existing projects
Easily adapt instances to individual project needs by customizing configuration files
Enhanced Productivity
Facilitate collaboration among development teams in software projects by providing separate and configurable development environments.

Gain invaluable insights and personalized guidance ...

OSAAS Screenshots

Contact/ Ask for Demo

Curious about how our platform works? Interested in seeing it in action? Don't hesitate to reach out! We're more than happy to schedule a personalized demonstration to showcase the features and capabilities of our product. Contact us today to arrange a demo and discover how our solution can benefit you