We build Artificial Intelligence and GenAI Solutions

Facilitates smooth development and deployment of AI and collaborative machine learning applications

AinnovateX is a team of data scientists, machine learning engineers, software engineers, and entrepreneurs. Experienced from both academic research and industry. Our mission is to provide machine learning solutions that ensure data ownership and privacy are never compromised.
If you're seeking a partner to help navigate the complexities of modern business, especially in sectors like healthcare, education, and industry where data privacy and regulations are paramount, look no further than us. We bring the expertise, experience, and passion needed to elevate your business to new heights. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals.
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Trusted by a wide range of users

Top Services

AI and IT services
Decentralized AI
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Production grade
Odoo development
Training & Support
Domain experts
More +
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Decentralized AI & Federated Learning

We enable collaborative machine learning solutions with FEDash

At AinnovateX, we help businesses and organizations build AI models effectively and collaboratively, by using data in accordance with user privacy preserving, data security, data confidentiality and government regulations...

Revolutionize the way you collaborate and share insights while keeping your sensitive data secure with our cutting-edge federated learning technology, enabling you to harness the power of AI while safeguarding your privacy and data...
Protecting your privacy is our top priority and mission, and we are committed to providing you with cutting-edge solutions that keep your personal and sensitive data secure, so you can have peace of mind knowing your information is in good hands...

  • Privacy by design
  • Machine Learning Framework Agnostic
  • Scalability

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Gain invaluable insights and personalized guidance ...

Federated Learning & Decentralized AI

Unlock the full potential of your AI and machine learning projects and gain valuable insights with our framework, providing you with a scalable and secure platform to train machine learning models on distributed data.

Chatbots - GenAI
Transform your customer interactions and enhance engagement with our state-of-the-art chatbot solutions, providing you with round-the-clock customer support and personalized experiences.
Text classification
Unlock the power of your text data and gain valuable insights with our advanced text classification solutions, providing you with the tools and expertise necessary to analyze large volumes of unstructured data.
Question Answering
Revolutionize the way you interact with your data and gain valuable insights with our advanced question answering solutions, providing you with expertise to extract meaningful answers from your data.
Text generation
Providing you with the tools and expertise necessary to generate high-quality, personalized content at scale, leveraging the latest advancements in deep learning technology.
Entity extraction
Unlock the power of your unstructured data and gain valuable insights with entity extraction solutions, providing you with the tools to extract and analyze critical information.
Image segmentation
Providing you with the tools and expertise necessary to extract critical insights and drive innovation through the precise identification and analysis of key image features.

Our Solutions

Transform your business with our solution - the innovative, reliable, and cost-effective way to drive growth and achieve your goals. We offer end to end solutions. Which includes Federated learning, OMaintenance, and more upcoming products and solutions. Indeed, any question regarding our services feel free to email us.

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Open Federated Learning Platform

  • Privacy
  • Scalability
  • Security
  • Pytorch
  • Tensorflow
  • Scikit-learn
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Open micro Software as a Service Platform

  • Odoo
  • FEDash
  • Tools
  • Docker
  • Terraform
  • K8s
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Multiple-criteria decision-making (MCDM)

  • Intuitive
  • Collaborative
  • Web-based
  • Choices
  • Rating
  • Selection

Services We Offer

Unlock the full potential of your business with our comprehensive suite of expert services, tailored to meet your unique needs and drive growth, innovation, and success in your organization...


Let our expert consulting services guide your business toward success by creating customized strategies that perfectly match your needs and goals. We enable new AI technologies etc.

ERP (Odoo)

Streamline your business operations and unlock efficiency with our comprehensive ERP (Odoo) solutions. From seamless integration to personalized customization.


We provide tailored services to match your project expectations, leveraging cutting-edge technology to harness the insights hidden within your data and drive transformative outcomes.

Web Dev.

From designs to seamless functionality, we offer end-to-end solutions crafted to match your project expectations. Leveraging a wide range of programming languages ...


Empower your workforce and elevate your company's potential with our tailored Training Solutions, designed to up-skill your team and propel your organization toward greater success.


Training Programs

Unlock a world of knowledge with our top-listed training programs, offering curated content to suit every company's passion and strategies...

Business Applications - Odoo Implementation

Gain invaluable insights and personalized guidance ...

All your Business on One Platform

Empower your business to thrive and realize its full potential with our all-encompassing suite of expert services. Manage all your business needs on one unified platform, while accessing the tools, expertise, and resources needed to foster success, drive growth, and inspire innovation within your organization.

Empowering businesses with expert guidance, insightful strategies.
Module development
Customized solutions engineered to elevate your operations.
Mobile Apps
Seamless mobile apps crafted through innovative development solutions
Optimize customer engagement and streamline sales processes
Revolutionize retail operations with our cutting-edge POS solutions
Elevate your online presence with our dynamic website services
Manage your maintenance operations and optimize asset performance with our CMMS.
Support and Training
Empower your team and maximize productivity with our comprehensive support and training programs
Explore Our Odoo Services

We, the signatories, affirm that AinnovateX successfully executed the development of the Maintenance Management System for our ERP system, ODOO. The development was executed with utmost professionalism, adhering to the agreed-upon timeline and budget. This partnership has exceeded our expectations and left us entirely satisfied.

Christian AUBERT
10+ Customers
Christian AUBERT


CLIM 101





Based on 10+ ratings


The development was executed with professionalism, adhering to the agreed-upon timeline and budget.


Some valuable feedback from our customers

Discover the impact of our services through valuable feedback from our customers. Hear firsthand accounts of transformative experiences, insights, and success stories that attest to the quality and effectiveness of our service offerings. Join our community and unlock your potential today

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Our Technology Stack

At AinnovateX, we address the business challenges of companies in high-tech industries.
Our dedicated software and engineering teams leverage the best available technologies to deliver exceptional services

Contact/ Ask for Demo

Curious about how our platform works? Interested in seeing it in action? Don't hesitate to reach out! We're more than happy to schedule a personalized demonstration to showcase the features and capabilities of our product. Contact us today to arrange a demo and discover how our solution can benefit you